Since 2014
Oak engineering has gone to great lengths to make our customers’
manufacturing processes efficient and highly productive.
Welcome To Oak Engineering - Home of the Oakstop Gauge
Oak Engineering & Manufacturing is proud to offer the efficient and user-friendly OakStop Gauge which operates as an automatic stop for sawing material or other material processing.
Extensive research and development by Oak Engineering & Manufacturing has resulted in an automatic stop/pusher gauge which is efficient and operator friendly. The OakStop Gauge utilizes an industrial computer with Windows® 7 or 10 operating system with an embedded 10 inch touch screen. The OakStop Gauge offers features Ethernet communications, spreadsheet job file creation that can be saved for future use with repetitive customer jobs on the OakStop Gauge hard drive or remote server, and an optional optimization feature for use with optimization software.

OakStop Computer Controlled Material Stops
Why Choose The Oakstop Gauge
We have the best computerized material stop gauge on the market